Monday, November 20, 2006

The past elections....

I am not really in a certain political group. I definitely am happy with the results of the running. With the US's past of war on terror, war in Afghanistan, and war in Iraq the change of political parties into the future did not come as a surprise. I believe now that many people have opened their eyes and saw The current administration clearly. The only issue that was constant was "WAR" and I think that many are now fed up with Bush and his "priorities". Along with not benefiting from any of the wars, we (the people) have still not been answered on many important questions and many issues have not been dealt with. Instead of fixing another countries problems (i.e. Iraq) we should have spent the time, money and effort to deal with the problems on our own soil. Maybe having a switch in political parties, now being Democratic, priorities would turn into what the people want and need. There are still chances that nothing will change but we can still be hopeful right?! I was defintely happy to see the Democrats with the majority vote!

1 comment:

rooftop said...

I think you are actually with a political group--the anti-war Democrats. We'll see if the Dems can produce the ideas necessary to govern.

-- Jim Jewell